Thursday, July 07, 2005

Who are most victimized by the London bombings?

The bombings were terrible, with scores killed and hundreds wounded, but those who suffer most are likely to be Africans.

Some 50,000 people die each day in Africa. The vast majority of these would live years longer, had they had the good fortune to be born and live in England or the United States. The G8 meeting is to have focused on development in Africa and Global Warming. If global warming is allowed to continue, it is the Africans who will suffer most, since their food production will be most affected, and their food security is already the most threatened.

It seems unfortunately clear that Tony Blair will not be able to make the case he had hoped to his peers on the importance of improving the rate of economic development in Africa and on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and thus reducing the rate of global warming. If the result is a less ambitious program, it is the poor in Africa who will suffer most. Their excess deaths and disability will dwarf those of the English killed and wounded by today’s bombs!

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