Thursday, April 09, 2009

FCC Developing Plan To Deliver Broadband

Subtitle: "Agency Examining How to Improve Access"
Source: Cecilia Kang, The Washington Post, April 9, 2009

"The Federal Communications Commission yesterday began mapping out a plan to bring high-speed Internet service to the entire nation, starting with questions on how to increase its availability, improve its quality of service and make it more affordable......The public will be able to submit comments to the agency for the next 60 days and then reply comments will be open for another 30 days."

Comment: I hope you will join me in commenting on how much we need a good plan to push universal broadband coverage quickly. It is an infrastructure the nation needs to compete in the global knowledge society. I don't know how best to develop the policies to stimulate broadband roll out, but I know it is important to get those policies in place! JAD

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