Sunday, August 24, 2003


I would note that there are a couple of other articles in the current economist that would be of interest to the readers of this blog:

Rich Pickings
Dealing with research on banana and plantain, and especially on a new research initiative in Uganda.

Catching Up
An article that explains why convergence appears to be taking place when one weight country experience by population in regressions of growth rate in recent decades versus per capita GDP, but divergence appears to be taking place if one does regressions without population weighting. Basically, the many poor and poorly performing countries in Africa dominate the regressions in the second case, while China and India dominate in the first case.

Bring Me Your Powerless Masses and Could It Happen to Us?
These stories provide some insight into the complexity of electric power grids, and of the technological, regulatory, financial and other issues involved in assuring reliable electrical power at a national level.

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