Saturday, January 10, 2004

The Digital Economy, 2003


Digital Economy 2003 (DE2003) is the U.S. Department of Commerce’s fifth annual report on conditions in U.S. information technology (IT) industries and the effects of IT on national economic performance. " DE2003 shows that: (i) recovery in IT-producing industries and increased use of IT throughout the economy are once again helping to drive very rapid productivity and output growth; (ii) employment growth in IT industries and IT occupations has yet to recover; (iii) highly competitive U.S. IT-producing industries are globally integrated; and (iv) even as we begin to take its presence for granted, IT continues to alter our lives, expanding our choices, and presenting us with new opportunities and challenges. In short, our continuing study shows that the digital era is living up to many of our expectations and hopes. But there is much more to understand about IT’s role in our growing and changing economy."