Sunday, November 20, 2005

Workshop on International Scientific and Technological Co-operation for Sustainable Development

Go to the Workshop website.

21-22 November 2005
Pilanesberg National Park (near Johannesburg)
South Africa
Organised by the Government of South Africa and the OECD

The workshop has two main objectives:

• To identify good practices in international science and technology co-operation, especially between OECD and developing countries, aiming at fostering capacity-building in science and technology, at facilitating effective diffusion of scientific knowledge and technology transfer, and at developing knowledge infrastructure and networks, in order to meet sustainable development objectives at national and global levels. Such good practices include highlighting concrete and efficient solutions that have been implemented in the areas of water and energy.

• To consider possible indicators of good practices in international science and technology co-operation for sustainable development and methodologies to evaluate international science and technology co-operation initiatives.

Participants: Government policy makers in science and technology, academic experts, from OECD and non-Member countries; businesses involved in relevant activities in the developed and developing countries, representatives of other inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations.

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