Wednesday, February 08, 2006

INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Tackling Neglected Diseases Could Offer More Bang for the Buck -- Vogel 311 (5761): 592a -- Science

INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Tackling Neglected Diseases Could Offer More Bang for the Buck -- Vogel 311 (5761): 592a -- Science:

"Public health efforts in the developing world are missing out on a bargain, say a group of researchers and health policy leaders. At a meeting here* and in a recent paper, they argue that the ramped-up efforts against the Big Three--HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria--will yield far bigger dividends if they are coupled with an attack on so-called neglected diseases such as hookworm, schistosomiasis, and leishmaniasis. These infections make their victims more susceptible to the Big Three, the researchers contend."