Wednesday, November 01, 2006


a.. Because they've got 8 wheels and 4 people on them
b.. 8 + 4 = 12
c.. There are 12 inches in a foot
d.. One foot is a ruler
e.. There was a ruler named Queen Elizabeth
f.. A ship named Queen Elizabeth sails the seas
g.. In the seas are fish
h.. On the fish are fins
i.. The Fins fought the Russians
j.. And Russians are red
And that's why fire engines are red. Because they're always rushin'.

This tale shows how politicians can justify the wildest lies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I heard it from Mr Pyzska:
Fire engines are red because they have four wheels and eight ladders, four and eight make twelve, there's twelve inches in a ruler, Queen Mary was a ruler, Queen Mary was a ship, ships sail the seas, fish live in the sea, fish have fins, the Fins fought the Russians in the war, and that's why fire engines are red 'cause they're rushin' all over the place.