Sunday, February 11, 2007

"A Blog's Blast Damage"

The Washington Post newspaper has a website for blogs as part of its general website. The company's ombudsman, Deborah Howell, provides this article in response to complaints occasioned by an article on Achenblog, one of many blogs WP provides. Howell's article, as Joel Achenback (the reporter) had already done, apologizes for the intemperate language in the posting that generated the complaints. She also points out that articles published in the paper publication are edited before publication, which helps to temper injudicious use of language, while the blog postings are often made public before an editor gets a chance to review them. The article illustrates a significant problem for the blogosphere!

Comment: I try very hard to avoid intemperate language, although I am sorely tried on some ocassions. JAD

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