Sunday, February 25, 2007

Flooding in the Bene Region of Bolivia

An aerial view of the floded outskirts of Trinidad, Beni
Source: Reuters, 24 Feb 2007
Read "Bolivia floods isolate city and more rain expected" on Reuters AlertNet.

The most devastating floods in 25 years have hit Bolivia, and officials fear that more rains are likely, worsening the situation. According to reports, "some 350,000 Bolivians are suffering the hardships of extreme weather triggered by El Nino." Most of the Bani is under water, and Trinidad it capital, will be in very serious danger if the dikes fail. In the Santa Cruz region, the most productive agricultural area of Bolivia, "nearly 200,000 hectares (494,000 acres) of crops -- including 155,000 hectares (383,000 acres) of soy, the country's main agricultural export -- have been destroyed by flooding."

Comment: What do you bet your local newspaper doesn't provide any information on this disaster? JAD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's true-Bolivia is almost always ignored in the press in USA. It's like the country doesn't matter even though we have poured so much money into their country and have one of the biggest, if not the biggest US embassy there.