Monday, February 05, 2007

SciDev.Net's coverage of the AU STI Summit

African leaders set guidelines for scientific growth
The final declaration of the AU summit commits countries to a series of steps to promote science and technology across the continent.
AU endorses biotechnology plan, but not science fund
Heads of state at the AU summit have endorsed a 20-year biotechnology action plan, but failed to reach agreement on an African science fund.
African presidents urged to boost science
African leaders have been urged to use their influence to promote the growth of innovation, science and technology on the continent.
AU seeks greater engagement from science ministers
The African Union has agreed to increase the number of ministers required to vote on binding resolutions for science and technology.
2007 to be Africa's 'scientific innovations year'
African leaders have declared 2007 the 'year for scientific innovations', in a bid to raise the profile of Africa's innovative capacity.
AU backs 'diplomatic passports for scientists'
The African Union has backed a proposal to give scientists diplomatic passports, facilitating research collaboration on the continent.
'Turn words into actions' Rwandan president urges
Rwandan president Paul Kagame has urged African leaders to heed calls by the continent's scientists for increased funding.
Malawi president makes post-summit pledges
Malawi's president has acknowledged the country's lack of scientific and technological expertise and pledged to prioritise science funding.
Pan-African parliament scheduled to talk science
Science and technology has been identified as a key issue for discussion by the Pan-African parliament when it reconvenes in March.

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