Saturday, May 12, 2007

American Chronicle: Presidential crises: Who's in control?

American Chronicle: Presidential crises: Who's in control?:

"We like to think that the man at the top knows what he is doing and is in control. It’s dismaying to find that this is not always true. We have two cases, and perhaps a third case developing, where the American President became ineffectual with dangerous consequences."

The article goes on to describe the 1973 war between Egypt and Syria versus Israel as resulting in a face-off between the USSR and the United States in which the United States went to high military alert while Nixon was facing impeachment and decisions were being made by Kissinger and Haig.

It also describes decision to go after bin Laden with cruse missiles after the African Embassy bombings while Clinton was preoccupied by the Lewinsky impeachment proceedings.

The article questions whether Bush today is similarly distracted from decision making of crucial importance to this country by the charges being made against him and members of his administration.

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