Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bali Climate Change Talks

The Bush administration's chief climate negotiator, Harlan L. Watson, has rejected a specific temperature rise or emissions reduction target as a result of the meeting. Al Gore has just accepted a Nobel Prize for his work championing a global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and thus to reduce climate change. John Kerry traveled roughly 20 hours on commercial flights over the weekend to get to Bali, and was making the same journey back for a series of Senate votes Tuesday; but he met over the weekend with representatives of more than a dozen countries to show that many Americans are serious about doing something.

Americans must elect the Democrats next year. It is the only way we are going to get any action. Elect not only a Democrat for president, but provide him/her with a serious majority in the Congress. The Bush administration and its Republican allies in the Congress have been too successful in blocking progress on environmental (as well as other) issues!

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