Monday, March 10, 2008


I caught a late night news program on BBC International that described a worsening security situation in Darfur, with the forces of genocide visible in the streets, and aid workers afraid during the day and limited to their compounds at night by a curfew. There was concern that the international peace keepers, who were hoped to be able to provide more security although they are few and Darfur is big, might out-compete the aid agencies for the few resources available to help outsiders in the region.

China seems finally to be weighing in with the international community to stop the genocide. Still, we should keep up the pressure on China, and be prepared to boycott the Olympics if China does not do more.

Incidentally, Tibetan exiles in India are beginning a march to the Tibetan border, using the beginning of the Olympics to gain world attention to their protest against Chinese policies in Tibet.

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