Monday, September 29, 2008

Half way to through the MDG period

Some 400 million fewer people live in absolute poverty today than in 1990.

At least 90 percent of boys and girls in all but two regions of the world are enrolled in school.

Deaths from measles fell from 750,000 in 2000 to less than 250,000 in 2006, and 80 percent of children in developing countries are now vaccinated against the disease.

Some 1.6 billion more people than in 1990 can now get safe drinking water.

Facing half the world's population who live in poverty, or facing 1.4 billion people who live in extreme poverty, it is important to recognize that we are making progress. Indeed the progress has been quite rapid. Unfortunately we are not progressing nearly fast enough, given the human suffering we are allowing to continue to exist. I predict that the worsening global economic situation will slow progress on the Millennium Development Goals.

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