Friday, September 19, 2008

"Knowledge, technological learning and innovation for development"

The Least Developed Countries Report, 2007

UNCTAD produces a report on the least developed nations every year. The Least Developed Countries Report 2007 focuses on knowledge accumulation, technological learning and the ability to innovate as vital processes toward genuine productive capacity development in these countries.
The Report shows that the current pattern of technology flows to LDCs through international trade, foreign direct investment and intellectual property licensing does not contribute to narrowing the knowledge divide. Sustained economic growth and poverty reduction are not likely to take place in countries where viable economic re-specialization would remain impossible in the absence of significant progress in technological learning and innovation capacity-building.

The Report suggests that national governments and development partners could meet this challenge, notably through greater attention to the following four key policy issues:

* How science, technology and innovation policies geared toward technological catch-up can be integrated into the development and poverty reduction strategies of LDCs.

* How stringent intellectual property regimes internationally affect technological development processes in LDCs, and how appropriate policies could improve the learning environment in these countries.

* How the massive loss of skilled human resources through emigration could be prevented.

* How knowledge aid (as part of official development assistance) could be used to support learning and innovation in LDCs.
Note that there is a set of eleven background papers available on the website -- papers that were prepared to support the major document. They include a paper by my friend Sara Farley, "Donor Support to Science, Technology and Innovation for Development; Approaches in the Least Developed Countries".

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