Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Japan's Initiative on Science and Technology Diplomacy

Calestous Juma sent me a notice of a November 3rd presentation on Japan's new directions in international scientific and technological cooperation:
Governments around the world are increasingly recognizing the critical role that science and technology plays in diplomatic relations. Japan's "Science and Technology Diplomacy" initiative represents one of the most elaborate efforts to strengthen the scientific and technological content of its diplomatic activities. This shift in foreign policy is occurring at a time when global economic trends are less favorable to traditional development assistance models. The initiative is likely to have far-reaching implications on Japan's cooperation with developing countries. This seminar will: (a) review the evolution of the role of science and innovation in development cooperation; (b) examine the relevant features of Japan's "Science and Technology Diplomacy" initiative; and (c) outline new avenues for development cooperation in light of the current global economic crisis.
The seminar is one of a series being held at Harvard's Belfer Center for Science in International Relations.

Read more about the Initiative.

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