Monday, December 05, 2011

Contribute to UNESCO in this crisis

The United States Government is withholding its contributions to UNESCO as the result of a decades old provision of the law. The law retaliates against any UNESCO because its General Conference accepted Palestine as a member state. 
The US was to provide about one-quarter of the funding for the 1012-2013 project that was just approved will not be available.
State Department officials say UNESCO is doing a good job, and the legal prohibition means that projects critically important to the peace mission in Afghanistan and Iraq will not be funded unless new funds can be found.
UNESCO's mission is to promote a new humanism in the defense of peace. It seeks to promote international understanding. Its tools are directed towards education, the promotion of science, culture and communications.
UNESCO has created a new site to accept public donations in this financial crisis. 

Donations can be made online at:

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