Friday, December 09, 2011

Is Gingrich serious? I'm afraid he is!

I quote from The Hill:
Hope everyone caught Justin Sink's story in The Hill about Newt Gingrich saying he would name George W. Bush's United Nations ambassador, John Bolton, as his secretary of State. This is not surprising, but is deeply worrisome. Gingrich would bring the neocon war faction to his presidency. This will guarantee a clash with Ron Paul in upcoming debates, and it dramatizes why President Obama has a commanding position on national-security issues compared to Republicans.

John Bolton is one of the leaders of the neocon war faction. He would be an epic disaster as secretary of State. It seems, listening to various Republicans, that their obsessive attacks on Obama are based on their looking for new wars to fight, and current wars to never end.
I never knew John Bolton but I remember once walking down the hallway of the State Department passing by his office. It was after 5 pm, and a lot of people had gone home. Office doors were closed all along the hallway. Yet as I came within maybe 50 feet of his office I could hear yelling, and I continued to hear that yelling until I had gone maybe 50 feet on the other side of the office.

I do recall that he was not confirmed for the post of UN ambassador, and only served on the basis of a recess appointment by President George W. Bush, resigning a year later before his name would come again before the Senate. 

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