Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Thinking about insight

I quote from an interesting article:
In my last entry I described three different forms of insight: (a) making connections, (b) seeing contradictions, and (c) overcoming impasses by discarding flawed beliefs. I identified these different forms in a 2011 study in which I collected 120 examples of insight and then sorted them out. I was trying to understand how people arrive at insights. 
But what can get in our way?..........
  • First, a number of people missed the insights because they tenaciously held onto flawed beliefs........
  • Second, experience made a difference. People with a richer background could notice implications in the data that others missed........
  • Third, the people who missed the insight were more likely to have a passive stance than an active one........
  • Fourth, a fixation with concrete reasoning tended to restrict insights, while more playful styles relishing speculation and hypothetical reasoning increased them.

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