Sunday, January 19, 2014

Good News on Education, But We Have More to Do

Source: Pew Research Center
College entrance among high school graduates has increased in all income groups in the USA since 1975. Still, the higher income groups seem to attend college in much higher percentage.

The New York Times in 2012 reported that 90 percent of America's 25- to 29-year-olds had completed high school, and one-third had completed at least a bachelors degree.

However, data from 2009 suggest that poor areas in the United States have lower high school completion rates than do more affluent areas:

Source: Bureau of the Census
Thus perhaps secondary education completion is less available to the blacks in the south and Hispanics in the strip from southern Texas to southern California, and college education is still less available to them.

This counts because education leads to more secure jobs and higher income.

Source: Wikipedia

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