Saturday, December 06, 2014

The Credibility of News Sources -- By Political Leaning

This chart shows the ideological placement of individual news outlets audiences. For example, ABC News’s audience, on average, is very close to the average survey respondent (the dashed vertical line). The New Yorker on the other hand is placed further to the left because its audience is, on average, more liberal.
Notice that relatively few sources are shown on the Conservative side of the graph, while most are on the liberal side.

The Poynter Institute, which seeks to improve journalism, provides this website listing some trusted sources from around the world.

  • Among newspapers it lists (in order) The New York Times, The Guardian, Politico, and The Washington Post. The audience for all four is primarily Liberal.
  • Only one online source identified by Poynter is shown on the Pew graph -- Huffington Post. It too has a Liberal audience.
  • For TV News, two of three Poynter sources are listed -- BBC and CNN; both have Liberal audiences.
  • One radio source, All Things Considered, is listed by Poynter, and it has a Liberal audience.
The audience for the majority of news sources shown on the graph is Liberal. The audience for all of the "trusted" sources from Poynter is Liberal. None of the sources with majority Conservative audiences in the Pew graph is a "trusted" source from Poynter.

Of course, my most important sources are on the left of the chart -- PBS, BBC, and The Economist. Still, it seems to me that the Liberals are likely to be better informed that Conservatives; they seem to use more sources and more credible sources for the news.

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