Saturday, July 25, 2015

Basic Library for my Cousins

Here is the Wikipedia entry for Blind Raftery.

Raftery's poems; songs of life, love and liberty (my Grandmother's  and Julia Heneghan's brother, John Patrick). (Also available here free online.)

Reincarnations by James Stephens (English language versions of Blind Raftery poems)

Songs Ascribed to Raftery by Douglas Hyde (This is the book by the former President of Ireland, reflecting his collection of Blind Raftery's works; bilingual.) (Also available here free online.)

Poets and Dreamers: Studies and Translations From the Irish by Lady Gregory (This book by one of the founders of Ireland's Abbey Theater, reflects stories about Blind Raftery collected by the author and some of his poems translated into English. The Blind Raftery material is in the first part of the book.) (Also available free online.)

Blind Raftery by Criostoir O Flynn (relatively new, bilingual edition)

The old Irish bank note with the first verse of Blind Raftery's "Raftery the Poet" in Gaelic on the blackboard.
Mise Raifteirí an File
(I am Raftery, the poet)
by Antoine Ó Raifteirí

I am Raftery the poet,
Full of hope and love,
With eyes without light,
Calm without anguish.

Going back in my travels
With the light of my heart
Weary and tired
To the end of my journey.

Look at me now
And my back to the wall,
Playing music
To empty pockets.

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