Sunday, October 23, 2011


This 5 min video described the eRwanda project, and its accomplishments from 2006 until 2010. eRwanda was funded by the World Bank in support of the national information communication infrastructure strategy (NICI). eRwanda aims to improve access to information and services to Rwandans. It financed infrastructure and services, as well as connectivity to the district offices, in support of government decentralization. eRwanda contributed to private sector development, skills development and the creation of an innovation culture key to the success of Rwanda's vision 2020. Some of the innovations it financed were Telemedecine, Government information portals, ICT buses, eSoko mobile based agriculture market place which won a UNECA award for excellent in public service delivery.

For more information on the World Bank's work in Rwanda, please visit

I was working as a consultant with the World Bank when colleagues worked with Rwandans to create the project described in this video. It is at the least interesting, and perhaps a start of something really big. The eDevelopment experiments of the World Bank in Sri Lanka should also be of interest if this interests you.

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